15 Signs That He Likes You

    It can be difficult when you’re not sure whether somebody likes you or not, especially if you like them. It can make you feel unsecure and it can make you afraid of being embarrassed if you are wrong. However the chances are that if you think that he likes you then he probably does. This is especially true if you have known them for a long time and their behaviour around you has suddenly changed. The important thing to always remember is to just look out for the 15 signs, if they are there then you can be pretty certain that he likes you

      If you want to know for sure whether or not he likes you, then you need to know what you are looking for. The signs might be subtle but once you know them, you will never have to worry again.
1-He seems to be always looking in your direction – If he likes you then you will find that he is always looking in your direction, you will also find that if you meet his eye then he will drop his gaze.

2-He texts you first – If you want to see if he likes you, then stop texting him for a while. Then see how long it takes him to text you. If he texts you within a couple of days then that means he was thinking about you and missed talking to you. That is defiantly a sign that he likes you.

3-He makes an effort – If you have known this person for a while then you will know what kind of effort they normally put into how they look. Have they suddenly started to make an effort when you go out with them? Do they make the same kind of effort when you are not there? If he is making an effort around you, then he is trying to impress you and catch your eye.

4-He asks about your love life – If he has suddenly developed an interest in your love life and appears to get upset about you having an interest in other people, then this is a sign that he likes you.

5-He wants to spend time alone with you – If you have known this person for a while and they suddenly want to spend more time alone with you, then chances are they like you. It will be his way of seeing what you are like when you are not around other people.
6-He is shy in person – If he talks to you like your best friend over text but then is shy in person, then there is a good chance that he likes you. It is a lot easier to talk to a person you like via message than it is to do it face to face.

7-He flirts with you – Men don’t typically flirt with girls they don’t like. Even if the flirting has a joke type edge, it still means something.

8-He invites you out – If he invites you out with his friends then chances are that he likes you. This is especially true if he invites you out on an all guys night out. As this means he wants to spend his night talking to you and not other girls.

9-He smiles when you do – If you look at him and smile, does he smile back? If the answer is yes then it means there is a good chance that he likes you. Often when a person is attracted to someone they will subconsciously copy their body language.

10-He laughs at your bad jokes – If he likes you then he will want you to know that. Often men will try to be close friends with someone they are attracted to, so they can get to know the real you. They will often do everything they can to get you to like them and one of the things they will do is laugh at your bad jokes.
11-He is protective of you – Have you noticed that he has started to get protective of you? Does he worry about you when you are out alone, does he question the people you are interested in? If the answer is yes, then he likes you. Men always become protective over the people they truly care about.

12-His friends know who you are – If he invites you out with his friends and they already know who you are then this is a really good sign. It means that he has thought about you and told people about you.
13-He compliments you – If he tells you that you look nice when you haven’t made an effort then he likes you. Men will also tell a girl she looks nice if he knows that she has made an effort because they don’t want to cause any offense. So if he tells you that you look nice when he knows you haven’t made an effort, then it means that he really thinks that.

14-He shares things with you – If he shares things about himself with you then this is another really good sign. Men don’t tend to share personal details about themselves in friendships because in general they don’t see it as an overly social thing to do. So if he is telling you about his family or his upbringing then he is sharing something about him that not many people will know.

15-He gives you his jacket – It sounds so cliché but it’s true. If it’s cold outside and he gives you his jacket without asking then he probably likes you.

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